Westlaw Edge


Non Sequiturs: 04.28.19

* Adam Feldman poses -- and answers -- an interesting question: are particular justices more or less partial to certain lawyers' or law firms' positions? [Empirical SCOTUS] * Speaking of the federal judiciary, Carrie Severino offers this helpful scorecard of President Donald Trump's track record on judicial appointments -- which underscores, as she notes, the importance of the 2020 elections. [Bench Memos / National Review] * And speaking of President Trump, Joshua Matz and Laurence Tribe have this excellent explanation of why the Supreme Court does not have a role in adjudicating impeachments. [Take Care] * In the wake of the Mueller Report, Ilya Somin pushes back against conventional wisdom and takes this position: "Not all foreign interference in elections is unjustified. Far from it, in fact." [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason] * Fair use in the copyright context is an infamously amorphous concept -- so the Fourth Circuit's recent ruling in Brammer v. Violent Hues Productions deserves your attention. [All Rights Reserved] * Congratulations to Westlaw Edge, voted the "best new analytics product" by the readers of Dewey B Strategic. [Dewey B Strategic] * And congrats to Kira Systems on being picked by Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner as its AI solution for "high-volume workstreams" across the firm. [Artificial Lawyer] * If you're a libertarian-leaning lawyer with two to six years of experience under your belt, check out these great employment opportunities over at IJ. [Institute for Justice via Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]


Non Sequiturs: 11.18.18

* Walter Dellinger and Marty Lederman offer their analysis of the Office of Legal Counsel memo, written by Assistant Attorney General Steve Engel, on the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General. [Just Security] * WWRMD: What Would Robert Mueller Do, in the event that he's fired by Matt Whitaker? His options would be limited, according to Joel Cohen and Jennifer Rodgers. [The Hill] * As for who will become the next Senate-confirmed Attorney General, here are some possibilities -- including Glenn Reynolds's picks. [Instapundit] * Victoria Baranetsky, general counsel at the Center for Investigative Reporting, argues that the Jim Acosta case is about protecting press rights as well as due process. [Take Care] * Facebook friends aren't "real" friends -- at least according to this interesting new opinion from the Florida Supreme Court, highlighted by Eugene Volokh. [Reason / Volokh Conspiracy] * Managing partners don't get no respect at law firms -- and Bruce MacEwen thinks that's a problem. [Adam Smith Esq.] * Even though it has been out for just a few months, Westlaw Edge already has 1,500 subscribers -- and if you're thinking about getting it, tune in to this (sponsored) webinar to learn more. [Dewey B Strategic] * Yesterday I spoke at the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention on a panel about technology, social media, and legal ethics, featuring Judge Don Willett (5th Cir.), Chief Judge Stephen Dillard (Ga. Ct. App.), Josh Blackman, and John Browning. Check it out!